Booking Conditions

Booking Conditions

How to Book

​We have lots of options for you to book tickets on our services:

Our Conditions of Carriage apply to all our booked tickets.

You can buy a ticket in many different ways

Types of Ticket

​Queensland Rail operates many different services.  We sell tickets on these services based on set Fare Types. All of these tickets are sold subject to our Conditions of Carriage .

Each of these services and Fare Types has different pricing and conditions which are set out in detail on the Fare Types page or noted on the fare advertising information.

Some fare types can be booked online. These are listed on our Online booking help page

Each type of fare has different terms and conditions. Check them closely before you buy

Concession Tickets

We offer concessions and discounts to a range of customer types. Please view our Eligible for Concessions page for details.
We give a range of concessional tickets

Ticket Prices and Payment

​Your ticket is only fully confirmed when we receive your full payment.

All of our prices are subject to change at any time up to when you book with us. 

If you receive a verbal price from one of our agents or consultants, please understand that this price is just an estimate at that point in time and that the price listed at the time you book may be different. 
Ticket prices are only confirmed when you pay.  Any verbal price given is just an estimate

Accessibility, Assistance and Dietary Requirements

​If you have any accessibility, assistance or dietary requirements please let us know at the time of making your booking.

We try to meet requests or requirements, but we can't guarantee we can do everything that you might need.

If you need information on accessibility on our services, please go to the  Accessibility policy or ask your consultant for more information.

If you need information on our Fit for Travel policy, please go to the Fit for Travel policy page for details.

We try to cater to  requests or requirements you have

Collection and Use of Personal Information

​We may collect and use your personal information in accordance with Our Privacy Statement. The way we do this is governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act) which includes the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs).

Some of the type of information we may collect from you is to assist us in answering your enquiries, make your booking and to inform you of disruptions. 

Other personal information that you provide may be used and recorded in our Travel Booking System and may be included in our Onboard service manifest to assist us and you during your journey if required.

This information could include, dietary requirements, medical conditions, assistance required embarking and disembarking the service etc.


​Our various Fare Types have different luggage limits and restrictions, please ask your consultant for details or view the luggage policy information on our website.

We have rules about what luggage we will carry

Ticket Hold Periods

If you are booking a ticket that can be held for a period (this will be noted in the Fare Types conditions or advised by your consultant/agent when booking) we will hold the seat for the price at the time of your booking provided that you pay the ticket price prior to the hold booking deadline.  

If you do not pay prior to the hold booking deadline we will cancel your hold on that ticket and if you need to rebook the price may be different.

We will hold tickets for short periods of time. If you don’t pay by the deadline we will cancel the hold

Amendment Fees, Cancellations and Refunds

​We have rules about when and how you can amend or cancel your bookings. These are set out in detail in the Fare Types area of the website. 

There are circumstances where we will impose fees so please read the fare conditions carefully before you book. 
There are usually costs involved with amending or cancelling your booking.  Check the Fare Types page for more details

Travel Insurance

​We strongly recommend travel insurance to cover you for your journey with us. Ask us or your consultant or Travel Agent for details.

Life’s uncertain. Travel insurance is a good idea

Rail Holiday Packages

Further Rail Holiday package booking conditions can be found in the Queensland Rail Holidays brochure that are specific to Sunlover Holidays packages booked with Queensland Rail Travel.
Rail Holiday packages have some different booking conditions